Change in your life is fun, exciting, hectic and scary. My family just experienced this as we moved to our new home in Colorado. It wasn't easy to take the leap of faith, to believe that we could move our three kids to a new home, a new life. But we did it. Josh and I fully believe that to experience great things, you must take risks, not always follow the safe path. This philosophy led us to having 3 children instead of two (two was so safe :), to moving our family to a gorgeous place that we are loving, and to make changes with both of our careers so we are not only financially secure but enjoy what we do.
Each person always has a choice. Some of these choices may involve change. Without the change, we can't experience new.
The softball player that I once was can really relate to the follow quote...
Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.
- Frederick Wilcox