Internet CEO Moms

Internet CEO Moms
The lifeblood of how I keep it all together!

Inspiration Quote

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing -- Phyllis Diller

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Boys and Games

I have three young boys, four counting my husband.  What is it about boys and electronics?  Is it a learned behavior or genetic?  With all the men in my life, I tend to believe that it is somewhat genetic.  The need to compete and "get to the next level" runs deep in my boys.... however, my husband and I may not be great role models.  Being in IT our entire lives has led our lives to lean on the electronic side.  We have 3 laptops (2 Dells, 1 Mac) and a desktop.  We have an IPAD, several IPODs and my husband's latest new gadget the EVO.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised my 7 and 4 year old boys always want to play the DS, WII or computer.  They love playing "Angry Birds" on the IPAD and EVO.  They know how to download apps, see the weather on the WII and order their own Netflix.  Anyone else in this boat?  I'm constanting limiting the amount of TV time, game time, electronic toy time.  IT IS EXHAUSTING!  I look forward to the day when the boys can shut it off on their own.  Will this day ever come??

I will not give in to the battle.  I will continue to only allow 45 minutes of game time a day.  I will make them do puzzles and free play time, dancing with music time, and of course reading time.  As easy as it would make my life to let them play to their hearts desire, I refuse.  They know the limits, they know I won't let in.... then they go ask dad :)

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